
Corporate bodies

Board of Directors

Chairman: Fulvio Conti
Co-Chief Executive Officers: Raffaele Mellone
Andrea Marano


Andrea Longatti
Maurizio Cereda
Gianfilippo Mancini
Independent Director: Giorgio Catallozzi

Board of Statutory Auditors

President: Giuseppe Ascoli
Auditors: Silvia Lirici
Guido Zavadini
Alternate Auditors: Michele Farina
Giorgia Carrarese

FIEE and its funds’ financial statements are audited by PwC S.p.A.

Control functions

Control functions which report to the Board of Directors are:

Asset Evaluation Function
The Head of the Asset Valuation Function is Davide Andreazza of Quantyx Advisors; this function is in charge of evaluating the assets of the Funds in compliance with the reference regulatory framework.

Risk management
It deals with the definition of policies and methodologies aimed at measuring and controlling risks, defining guidelines, policies, and opinions on the investment projects of the Fund; this activity is entrusted to Quantyx SIM.

The Head of the Compliance Function is Francesca Aimone of Aimone & Moschini; this function is in charge of maintaining compliance with the regulatory framework.

Anti-money laundering
The Head of the Function is Giorgio Catallozzi, Independent Director, with the support of Compliance.

Supervisory body
It is in charge of the monitoring and maintaining the Organizational Risk Management and Control Model (OMM) pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001; it is a collegial body whose members are Laura Cappiello from Orrick and Cristiano Fava from Ontier – Pardo Vicenzi law firm.

Internal Audit
It is in charge of assessing the completeness, adequacy and reliability of the organizational structure and other components of the control system, as well as verifying the regular performance of operations; this function is entrusted to Protiviti S.r.l., whose contact person is Luca Medizza.

Code of Ethics and Model 231/2001
FIEE also has a Code of Ethics and a Organization, Management and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 (containing the “Discipline of the administrative liability of legal persons, companies and associations, even without legal personality”).

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